
In today’s dynamic world it is essential to possess unbiased information for decision making and build and ecosystem that foster faster accomplishment of entrepreneurial vision. At KOLATH we join our clients in achieving this through providing timely insights into the enterprise and the operating segment. 

Business Controls

Risk is not always a threat, but an opportunity. At KOLATH we believe that an enterprise on top of business controls, have strong understanding of its efficiency and risk. This enables the enterprise to address the challenge of risk. We work with our clients in proactive monitoring of business controls and deliver relevant insights.  

ESG Finance & Reporting

ESG have become top priority for enterprises. This also brings the importance of Reporting, Assurance and Audit of ESG into focus. The effort on address ESG challenges of the enterprise and the economy it operates leads to multiple efficient finance options. At KOLATH we work with our clients in building the ESG framework and fostering an ecosystem to achieve.

Digital Adoption & Transformation

It is essential to fast track progress in an enterprise and stay relevant through digital adoption and transformation. This becomes a key challenge in most SME with work force and process not willing to embrace digital solutions. At KOLATH our experience with digital transformation tools span two decades and we work with clients in improving efficiency through relevant digital adoption

Who We Are

Multidisciplinary Firm with 5 office at Mumbai,Delhi,Chennai, Bengaluru and Kochi

We have groomed ourselves to be serving our client’s to achieve their enterprise vision. We achieve this by deeply understanding the client’s vision and culture and tailoring the niche services to suit the deliverables.

Audit Services experience since 2000
Management Consulting and Advisory
Tailor made service delivery to suit client needs
Clients in Corporate, NGOs, Banks and Finance

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